The Pinks
5:35:00 PM
Hey girls and guys, Hair Fair is upon us and it is my all time favorite event in Second Life. I love shopping for hairs so much! I mean, let's be honest right now, it totally makes the entire outfit if you have a great hair. Also Crystal Heart Festival ends tomorrow so I needed to show all the cute goodies from there as well! Enjoy and have a great week <3
On the left
Hair: Haley by Elikatira {@ Hair Fair}
Tattoo: Kanza (Princess) by La Baguette {@ Crystal Heart}
Skin and Lips: Benny by VCO
Ears: Princess Twinklefluff Kitty Ears by Half-Deer {@ Crystal Heart}
Top: Rare 1 Bra by Moon Elixir {@ Crystal Heart}
Skirt: Rose Skirt by Moon Elixir {@ Crystal Heart}
On the center
Hair:Brook by Pr!tty {@ Hair Fair}
Headband: Hair Fair 16 Gift
Top: Signe Top by Pixicat
Dress: Robe De Chat by Sorbet {@ Crystal Heart}
On the right
Hair: Braelynn by Lovey Dovey {@ Hair Fair}
Sunglasses: Lovers Sunnies by #Foxy {@ Crystal Heart}
Outfit: Sailor Body by Pixicat {@ Crystal Heart}